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Shop for mobile PC- and GPS-solutions

NaviPC 4.0 (Europe, Speech) - multilangual -

NaviPC 4.0 (Europe, Speech) - multilangual -


GPS NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR LAPTOP AND TABLET PC WITH VOCAL AND VISUAL GUIDANCE NaviPC is the first mobile system with the same map database and functionalities of the fixed navigation systems. NaviPC is a kit that turns your laptop or tablet PC into a GPS navigation system with vocal and visual guidance in real time: with automatic recalculation of the route and many other functionalities it will drive you to the destination without stress and wasted time. Activation of NaviPC is extremely simple: connect the receiver to the laptop's USB or serial port and enter the selected destination.

NaviPC functionalities: - Immediate functioning in any vehicle without installation - Setting destination with rapid research system for town,
road, number
or Point of Interest - Calculation of the route with speed/distance,
motorway and vehicle options - Navigation with GPS system (Global Positioning System) - Visualisation of the vehicle direction in front or to north - Vocal and visual guidance before every crossroad
or manoeuvre - Automatic zoom according to speed - Automatic re-route in case of involuntary or chosen exit - Visualisation of the road/street is travelling along and
the next one on the route - Route with waypoints - Indications on distance and time to be covered - Visualisation of Points of Interest
(hotels, restaurants, sales outlets,) - Selection of Points of Interest as destination
System composition:
- 1 CD with NaviPC navigation system
- 1 DVD with NAVTECH map database
in Sdal format of all Western Europe
(you don't have to copy the DVD content to the harddrive. The maps can be readen directly from your dvd drive) System requirements: - Microsoft Windows 98/2000/ME/XP - DVD drive - Audio card with speaker - USB or serial port (optionally)
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