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  • for NanoITX boards !

- Morex 1677 black, face-color blue
- Power adapter external 80W 220V/~12V-7,5A
- interneal PSU 12V
- for VIA Nano-ITX 12x12cm-mainboards
- opt. drive 1x Slim-5,25",HDD 1x 2?"
- additional PCI-Slot: no
- Front. 2x USB, power, reset, 2 LED
- Dimentions : H/W/D 82,5 x 160 x 163mm


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Customer ratings: 4 von 5 Sternen
Average rating, based on 1 ratings
4 von 5 Sternen from paolomalesci am 12.02.2008 |

Good object: very good materials and well-finished with attractive look but a little expensive. Not recommended for beginners due to the obviously limited space inside and the necessary care to assure correct air flow when connecting cables.

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